Preparing for Setup
Let’s follow these steps for a hopefully headache free installation which will let you use the CMU network with your particle.
Create a Particle Account
To be able to set up your device you need to register it as belonging to a Particle account aka claim it. So first make create an account on ( This will also give you access to the Particle Build online code editor too.
Particle CLI
Next, download and install the Particle Command Line Tools (CLI) using the instructions here:
Some notes
This guide (and all subsequent tutorials and guides) assumes you’re using the the online IDE (interactive development environment. Particle Build ) - it’s got tonnes of really nice features for developing IoT solutions and working with the Particle cloud.
If you’d like to work locally on your machine you have two options. First you can use a text editor of your choosing and the Particle CLI to compile and flash your code from a terminal window. Alternatively you can use the Particle Workbench - a complete code editor for Particle Projects. To apply for the preview visit