Communicating Events

Though the Particle Cloud’s events model, we can pass useful messages to devices that are interested in hearing what our microcontroller’s got to say. An event is like a mini message that you can share them from your device or from anything with access to the Cloud API. This process of sharing is commonly refered to as ‘publishing an event’. Devices can also ‘listen’ for events from other devices that they might be interested in. Devices will register to be notified of new events and then as you share (or publish an event), those devices that are subscribed to your events will be notified and can act on the information.

In the next section we’ll explore events as a great way to pass information between internet appliances and nudge them to do cool stuff with it.

Some background

Two worked examples

  1. Tutorial: A PIR and Particle.publish()
  2. Tutorial: Events between devices - creating a connected doorbell

Table of contents